Learn about the artist

Gillian Probert


I began selling my artwork at the age of 9 years old. Born with the instinct to create, I would experiment with making pencil toppers for my classmates, draw sketches of passerbyers, and make small clay creatures. I would sell my various creations wherever I could think of; my sister's soccer games, birthday parties, and on the beach of San Diego where I grew up. 

My commitment to art grew stronger as I attended the project-based high school, High Tech High Media Arts. There I gained valuable experience in project development and exhibit execution. At 16 I began working as a professional Henna Artist at Belmont Park in San Diego.

I continued to practice my art and developed my own style. I graduated from Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, FL with a double major in Visual Arts and Management, and a minor in Entrepreneurship.

Since then, I have worked full-time as an artist, most recently exhibiting my solo exhibition at the Nielsen Center for the Visual Arts. I now travel the world and share my artwork wherever I go. 


The people I have encountered on my journeys have also played a significant role in shaping my artistic style. Every interaction, every story shared, has left an indelible mark on my creative spirit. The diverse perspectives and emotions of individuals I've met have seeped into my artwork, infusing it with depth and resonance.

But it is not only the physical realm that inspires me; my dreams hold a special place in my artistic process. When I close my eyes at night, vivid scenes and colors unfold before me. In the realm of dreams, boundaries blur, and imagination takes flight. These ethereal visions find their way into my artwork, adding a touch of whimsy and magic to my creations.

Through my art, I seek to transport viewers to the places I've explored, allowing them to experience the vibrant tapestry of cultures, the awe-inspiring landscapes, and the rich stories that have shaped me. I strive to evoke emotions, spark curiosity, and invite others to embark on their own journeys of self-discovery and exploration.


I boldly dove into the vast world of creativity, exploring an array of mediums that include ceramics, sculpture, resin, drawing, henna tattoos, face painting, watercolor, acrylic paint, oil paint, photography, and graphic design.

With a passion for expressing myself through various artistic forms, I thrive on the diversity of mediums at my fingertips. Each medium presents a unique set of challenges and possibilities, allowing me to push the boundaries of her creativity and continually evolve as an artist.

My artistic journey is an exploration of possibilities, embracing the diverse array of mediums at her disposal. With each new venture, she finds new inspiration, constantly expanding her artistic horizons. Through her versatile and expressive works, she invites viewers to join her in celebrating the boundless wonders of art.

Step into my world and experience the magic of artistic diversity, where each medium tells a unique story and reveals a facet of my imaginative spirit.